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Hearts of Iron IV - PDX Katten

Patch ane.11.nine "Barbarossa"

- Fixed some DX11 and OpenGL UI elements being 1 pixel off past making them incorrectly positioned the aforementioned manner DX9 does

- The game will no longer evidence an empty "Modify Government" alert when using hidden ideas

Stability & Performance:
- Stock-still CTD due to AI non existence notified when a leader is removed from a country

- Fixed adding or removing divisions to a full general nether a marshal non updating the marshal's abilities' effects
- Fixed capping of the reliability value to 100% in the Tech Details view
- Fixed a bug where graphic symbol traits would sometimes duplicate on level up.
- Fixed Radio Ii XP price for the tank designer being college than intended
- Isoroku Yamamoto will no longer have an extra 'I' in his proper name
- Fixed a rare outcome where the Japanese coal liquification focus could fail to add a refinery
- Fixes to French career profile translation
- Fixed typo in the communist party of Yugoslavia

Hearts of Iron IV - PDX Katten

Patch 1.11.8 "Barbarossa"

- Added an selection in the settings menu to disable deject storage backup of your career contour statistics.
- Players that ain most major DLCs should no longer see promotions for the DLC Subscription in the principal bill of fare.
- Fixed potential cloud storage bug for the career profile which could upshot in your statistics not being backed up.
- Fixed a potential desync issue with statistics collection in multiplayer
- Fixed the "Ceremonious wars" stat collection for "Boxing for the Bosporus" DLC.

Hearts of Iron 4 - PDXMidgeman

Hello there, the time has come to practise a fun swoop into what y'all've been playing the game every bit a community. Then over this diary we are going to look into some of the trends and statistics we seen from our telemetry and come across how we employ it to gain insights in electric current player trends when working on HOI4. The wonderful information squad have been working to become us all the information nosotros wanted and I hope you bask seeing some of their great work. Equally a forrad point, as with any data drove we do non store any personal information or anything that can used to identify players in accordance with GDPR.

So first of we volition get-go with something fun, can y'all judge what this graph is telling us.

If you guessed this was u.s.a. spotting the continuous naval production focus exploit being discovered you get a gold star, although it seems some of you are still very much into using the focus.

With telemetry we tin can work to understand our players past seeing how you play and this lets us form an experience players volition savour. we see this in many means, for case we tin see by thespian difficulty settings players really shy away from the harder difficulties.

We tin can also see how players are reacting to new content, here we can run into the soviet wedlock and Poland grow and maintain solid new highs in terms of sessions played. Germany still remains yous favourite major to play, and for those of yous that like playing minors the People's republic of china seems to exist the land to become for.

At present lets get into some more than specific game related information, thespian play behaviours are something that always interesting to know. You lot might think you know what most players are doing from discussions on various discussion platforms, streams and videos, however what's fifty-fifty better is knowing for sure what the meta and boilerplate player does.

For example many people really demand to bank check their infantry equipment stockpile late game

Seriously players really enjoy making infantry equipment iii

Alright that's allot of graphs, and nosotros know graphs are not how we get views, and so lets take tried and trusted top 5's for spin.

We will beginning with rapid fire round of nukes and so.

Tiptop 5 target nations:

  • Germany
  • Soviet union
  • Nippon
  • U.s.
  • England

Summit x Target provinces:

  • Tokyo
  • London
  • Berlin
  • Hiroshima
  • Moscow
  • Nagasaki
  • Washington
  • Osaka
  • Nagoya
  • Paris

Superlative v countries nuking:

  • Germany
  • Soviet union
  • USA
  • England
  • Italy

As we tin can run into players are really not very imaginative with their nuke targets or they share a strange wish to nuke all the aforementioned places. Please too let me know why you actually like nuking Paris in the comment below.

We tin can at present have a trip over to something newer, its that new shiny toy the tank designer. I must say if there was a meta with tank pattern someone forgot to tell players because the only consistent design trend has been making cheap flame tanks.

So here nosotros have your favourite modules for each category over the terminal month

How about your favorite Tank role designs, featuring some monster MBT design that players dear.

Y'all guys likewise take some erm "interesting" collective opinions when it comes to amphibious tanks.

We accept also run across that nearly 10% of you and just most iv% of total designs are made with auto blueprint, this is something that reinforces our desire to improve this element of the designers.

Alright lets get into some more gritty details. first off we take been seeing how player designs take been changing since release in response to changes in patches and the pattern meta developing.

Next up lets encounter how you lot've been using those handy preferred tactics, it neck and neck over what players think is the best one for the army.

But yous have a clear favourite for generals.

But what about all those new focus trees, well lets take a look at how you traverse focus trees. here we look at what sectional choices you are making when playing with the new focus trees. Every bit a community players will always trend toward the path that lets them aggrandize and exist independent and so most of the breakdowns are as expected. however its also very useful to know what specific choices players make inside these paths.

Construction at present, when to switch to MIL's from CIV's is always an topic for fence. as we can see though the alter happens on average quite early with the first year averaging at xiii.17 CIV's built. This is consistent over most majors outside SOV, with many existence much more extreme than the average.

Additionally you always demand more than railways and infrastructure.

Finally I'll bring us to Division meta. this might be surprising but meta divisions while definitely popular, are not as ubiquitous as online discussion would have you believe.

As yous can see nosotros take the usual suspects of the 10-0'south, 7-ii'due south and 14-4'southward but they are nowhere nigh dominant in the average game.
The situation becomes even less unified once we take support companies into account

That wraps it up for this Dev Diary, If you accept annihilation specific you're interested in from this brief overview let me know and maybe we can do a deep dive in time to come.

Hearts of Iron IV - PDXMidgeman

Patch ane.11.seven "Barbarossa"

- Added a Career Profile where players can view statistics well-nigh their playthrough
- Added promotion for the new DLC Subscription

Hearts of Iron Iv - PDXMidgeman

Greetings Generals!

We have ii big things to talk about today so permit's dive into it. First of all Hearts of Iron iv is joining other PDX titles, and gaining an additional way to experience our itemize of DLC through a subscription model. If y'all take whatever questions about the subscription service, farther down the mail there is a FAQ, and we'll exercise our all-time to answer any questions yous have in the comments.

Second, and unrelated to the subscription service, all players will take access to their "Career Profile" from the title screen in Hearts of Iron four. This will rails information about your fourth dimension playing HoI, from this signal forward. It will wait like this!

And if you own any DLC (or are currently subscribed), y'all will be able to see per DLC boosted info, as seen here past clicking on the DLC banners at the top.

The Career Profile is entirely unrelated to the subscription service, so ALL players will take access to these infographics only by playing the game. The Career Profile will be live tomorrow, Wed the 16th.

Subscription Service FAQ

How do I become the subscription?

You lot demand to ain the base game only, then only purchase game time from the Steam shop page. There is also a push button on the title screen that will take you there if you lot are not currently subscribed.

What does the subscription include?

The subscription will give yous access to Together for Victory, Death or Dishonor, Waking the Tiger, Man the Guns, La Resistance, Boxing for the Bosporus, No Footstep Back, and cosmetic DLCs. Future releases will be covered in the subscription as well.

Why a subscription?

With a plethora of DLC options to cull from, starting out from scratch can be daunting to new players. This is an affordable way for players to experience the unabridged HoI4 catalog without having to weigh which items they would prefer to purchase. This does not mean information technology is the only way to get DLC moving frontwards. The subscription service is entirely optional, and buying DLCs as you have always done is still, and always will be available.

I already bought a bunch of HoI4 DLC, will this affect me?

Nope! Nada volition change for you. You still own all your DLC and you still accept the option to purchase future DLC.

What happens if I stop subscribing?

If y'all finish subscribing, yous will lose access to any content you have not separately purchased.

I won't be playing HoI for a while, how do I cancel my subscription?

Canceling is handled through your Steam account. Visit Account Details, where y'all tin can cancel a subscription at whatever time. Your canceled subscription will remain active until the paid plan expires.

Will my subscription cover time to come DLC?

Yes! When new DLC and content packs are released, current subscription owners will accept immediate admission to them upon release.

What if I want to buy a DLC?

That option is still available and always will be. The subscription service is an boosted option that some players may find better suited to their situation. It is in addition to, and not instead of, a normal purchase.

Can I get a refund?

If a renewable subscription has not been used during the current billing cycle, y'all may request a refund inside 48 hours of the initial purchase or within 48 hours of any automatic renewal. Content is considered used if whatever games within the subscription have been played during the electric current billing cycle or if whatever benefits or discounts included with the subscription have been used, consumed, modified or transferred. More details can be plant in Steams refund policy.

Hearts of Iron IV - PDXMidgeman

Patch 1.11.6 "Barbarossa"


- Flattened tank chassis IC cost, raising earlier chassis by 10-20%, up to no change at subsequently chassis.

- Transport planes at present cost fuel to run.

- Reduced truck damage from logistics strike mission by approx xxx%, reduced train damage from logistics strike mission by approx 15%


- Fixed dynamic modifiers not returning localized keys when supplied

- set_nationality result will no longer cheque if the character is 'available' in the target land before transferring them

- set_nationality on characters will no longer cause their owning country to reset to their original state on loading savegame. This addresses several CTDs and some unexpected behaviour

Stability & Performance

- Fixed OOS and other subtle issues caused by bad ordering of logistics stockpile in deployment logic

- Fixed CTD with mods that burn down leaders without giving AI a proper 7 days notice period

- Liberal utilize of diplomatic_relation in script will not longer slowly corrupt memory, triggering random CTD and OOS


- Stock-still CTD when clicking on provinces with no owner (mods only)

Hearts of Fe IV - PDXMidgeman

Greetings all!

Every bit you'll no doubtfulness be aware, the launch of the No Stride Back expansion last yr was the climax of a decorated year of development for the HoI team, and it continues to be i of our best received releases to date.

Of class, the last twelvemonth also saw the departure of @podcat as Game Director who was reassigned to Siberia greater things at Paradox. Many of you volition also have read the roadmap document that was produced towards the starting time of HoI4 development, and are asking questions equally to the veracity of that program under a new managing director, and whether I have any different ideas or plans to denote.

Looking Forrad

I mentioned at the outset of my tenure that both @podcat and I see HoI4 in broadly similar terms. This hasn't changed, and y'all tin expect to see many of the parts of the previous roadmap make an appearance at some point in the future.

My arroyo to a 'Grand Programme', however, may exist somewhat different. I have a preference for leaving enough of space for reactive development (something that served us well on Imperator), and while there are many things that I experience are ripe for future evolution, I am besides keen to leave a lot of space for changing class and acting on community sentiment.

In that location are two main points I want to raise before we get to details, however. Firstly, we intend to upward the tempo of our releases a piffling. This is, of course, an ambition, and non a promise, yet it informs some farther decisions related to the evolution of HoI. Namely, that we are because ways to change how and when nosotros release data on evolution to yous folks. Since faster development is the goal, this as well means getting ideas into public view slightly faster, for feedback and chat. We're not exactly sure how this volition look yet, merely it is likely that there'll exist a reorganization of the traditional dev-diary schedule into something that feels less like a milestone delivery. This comes in tandem with a need to shift the community's expectations on what 'in development' means: getting fans accustomed to seeing placeholders, WIP balance, and half-built systems in early phases, and seeing things develop every bit time goes on.

The concluding major point here is that nosotros recognize a need to maintain the game besides equally to develop it, particularly if development step is picking upwardly. Nosotros're nevertheless because how best to achieve this, and I'm watching initiatives such equally the Custodian team on Stellaris with curiosity. For the time beingness, what this is likely to manifest equally, is the inclusion of older organisation maintenance into our patch planning - you may start to come across patch message features including things such every bit small-scale focus tree revamps, besides as attention paid to older systems and expansion content.


Every bit mentioned above, the 2020 roadmap for HoI4 included many things which have now either been completed or rendered unnecessary. This leaves several from podcat's list which I believe are however important for the future of the game:

  • Improvements to frontline stability (progress in NSB, more to come)
  • Long term goals and strategies to guide ai (progress in NSB)
  • Improving peace conferences
  • Update core national focus trees with alt-history paths and more options (Italy)
  • Wunderwaffen projects
  • More than differences between sub-ideologies and regime forms
  • More than National Focus copse
  • Brand defensive warfare more fun
  • Adding mechanics to limit the size of your standing regular army, particularly post-war etc
  • Accept doctrines more strongly bear on division designing
  • Strategic and tactical AI improvements

In addition to these items, I volition of form add some of my own personal intentions:

Groovy Power Diplomacy

This is ane expanse that I feel doesn't need much caption. More diplomatic tools are a articulate expanse for expansion, and a careful look at how this module can be developed without interfering with the overarching global war, is probable to happen.

Economical Decision Making

The economical system is very abstracted in HoI, and I do not foresee ever making it a major office of the game loop. This said, there are elements of an industrial economy that I experience could do with being function of determination making in HoI.

Immersive/Roleplay Elements

Optional tools for making your mark on a game, and/or development of farther building blocks to enhance attachment to a HoI campaign. Bring the simulation to life.

And of course, many more that I experience do non demand as much of an explanation:

  • Battleplanner improvements
  • Advisors/internal politics improvements
  • Ideological distinctions
  • Multiplayer & social layer improvements & support

I similar to remain as open as possible to the needs of the customs, and the inclusion or omission of whatever particular item higher up should non exist considered 'set in stone'.

As we look at how we plan on structuring future communications, there may be some space for a few more than dev diaries on what y'all've all been getting up to in NSB in the near(ish) hereafter!


Hearts of Fe Four - PDXMidgeman

Patch one.xi.5 "Barbarossa"

# AI
- Majors will now transport volunteers to the Spanish Civil State of war even without La Resistance
- AI volition no longer consider enemy lakes to exist dangerous
- AI has learned the definition of insanity and will at present try to avoid attacking in aforementioned place if previous invasion failed
- AI will exist more careful with their attacks if they starting time running out of manpower
- AI at present assigns gratis aces to valid existing wings instead of but when creating new wings
- AI is now significantly less probable to release collaboration governments unless they have narrative reasons to practise so

# UI
- Supply map mode allows normal interactions with naval unit counters and doesn't hide fleet windows
- Fixed ship stats details pages not showing correct supply usage
- Fixed UI elements highlighting spurriously when tech template would unlock equipment which isn't included in current DLC contour
- Stock-still Army and Navy view windows opening on top of each other
- Fixed shift+yard shortcut for training air/navy
- Decision map icons with CP costs no longer overlap unreadably
- Fixed rail upgrade buttons sometimes not being generated. Buttons now line upwardly with runway connecting to naval bases.
- Stock-still Railway Gun supply icon never showing up and being in the wrong place when it did
- Fixed naval unit counters not showing low supply icon
- Naval battle screen now correctly shows admiral portraits
- Fixed operative map icons not getting frame mask applied
- Updated equipment conversion and send refitting tooltips to use accurate language and include the relevant values and modifiers.
- Hold units command at present applies to all selected units when mixed armies are selected
- Supply clogging tooltip should now include undersized ports

# Database
- The Race for Germany achievement will no longer fail if the player does not command Luxembourg at the time of German surrender (it's complicated)
- Non-NSB tanks volition now have their right fuel usage again. It was fun while it lasted!
- Brazil should no longer have access to non-NSB tanks with NSB agile

# Modding
- Added on_capitualtion_immediate on_action. This will be executed at the very beginning of the capitulation process, where on_capitulation is played in the center of the process, which can bias the triggers result.
- Added multiplicative modifier equipment_conversion_ic_cost which reduces conversion IC cost for non-naval equipment edited with the equipment designer (i.east. tanks when NSB is active).
- Game will now endeavour to reconcile provinces alleged equally littoral without bordering a seazone (and vice versa). Check your mistake log!
- Invalid buildings (like naval bases in landlocked provinces) in history setup volition now be ignored and reported in error log.
- Modifiers declared in advisor character entries should now properly apply and persist between saves
- Made set_character_name likewise work for unit of measurement leaders
- Stock-still a CTD when going over the building state cap with off-map buildings

# Residual
- Blitzkrieg Theorist advisors now have increased base cost
- Smooth talking charmer now reduces maintenance price for improving relations.
- Backroom Backstabber no longer grants political power factor, and instead grants subverseive activities toll; drift defence factor buffed to 0.25
- Compassionate Gentlemen now reduce resistance damage to garrisons in addition to monthly stance gain
- Ideological Crusader now grants party popularity stability modifier in addition to old effects
- Armaments Organizer now increases supply hub structure -speed- by ten%
- Balance changes for armor and varient units
- Moved Loftier velocity ii to antitank_4 tech
- Increase mot equipments to 36 for mot AT
- Halved motorised breakthrough and armor
- Reduced AT gun piercing
- Added missing tungsten cost to mot rocket arty
- Total rebalance of tanks
- Tank weapons at present based on turret weight form

# Stability & Operation
- Fixed thespian/ai list non being properly reset when going dorsum to bill of fare, triggering OOS on new games
- Significantly improved game startup time

# Graphics
- Fixed naval fort model luminance problem

# Bugfix
- Fixed issue where Danzig could get stuck with negative modifier when Polish Danzig focuses were getting bypassed.
- When loading a salvage from a lost ironman game, observer mode is loaded and ironman flag should be turned off.
- Fixed script parser silently ignoring last line of a file if it didn't contain a newline
- Gear up positioning of the Expand Polish Intelligence branch when Homo the Guns is not active. Without MtG the focus Expand Polish Intelligence will no longer require the actor to complete the (MtG DLC-locked) parent focus Ready for the Inevitable.
- Added newline at the finish of equipment bonus tooltip
- Fixed George Vi national spirit showing an advisor portrait instead of the regular national spirit portrait.
- Hooked-in several NSB Baltic portraits for generals that were using generic ones.
- Fix AI Queueing more railway upgrades than it intended
- Fix allied job strength local supply describe
- fixed a reference to a missing German language armor 3d model (this should not alter any 3d assets beingness displayed, just cleaned upward the error log)
- Fixed issue where Generals, Field Marshals and Admirals were not being transfered when annexing through Polish and Lithuanian monarchist events.
- Fabricated information technology less probable that The Soviet Union partitions Poland with Lithuania if Lithuania is AI, and fifty-fifty less likely if Poland is controlled by the actor.
- Spanish generals should over again be able to properly pick a side when the Civil War starts
- Fixed exploit which allowed circumvention of the edifice removal cooldown effective while at state of war.
- Adapt assignable trait skilled_staffer so field marshals can as well gain xp in that trait.
- Air Supply now redistributes supply consumption to the hosting airbase.
- Stock-still bugs with multiple air supply missions having goose egg result."
- Soviet focuses will no longer grant tank designs if NSB is not active.
- Soviet focuses requiring certain armor tech will now check for the appropriate tech based on NSB being agile or non.
- German focus Danubian Membership will no longer be bypassed if only ane of the countries is gone, a subject, or allied to Germany. It requires all three countries to fulfill one of those weather in order to get bypassed.
- Fixed supply network sometimes reporting no connection when shortest path traveled through an enemy province
- Added loc to an unlocalized Estonian country flag
- Fixed continous focus exploit which allowed stacking modifiers
- In civil war procedure, when copying unit of measurement leaders, employ the clone role rather than recreating the unit of measurement leader from template (some unit leaders do not have template). As well use the grapheme merge mecanism for those copies too if the revolter country receiving those copies already have the graphic symbol.
- Stock-still crash acquired by invalid naval invasion gild
- Railway guns should no longer be able to end upwards in a naval invasion
- Fixed crash caused by invalid province templates in mods during trade road computation
- Fixed CTD when playing tutorial videos or opening the ingame browser on DirectX eleven
- Fixed Empire of Brazil existence and so much into Fascism
- Fixed inconsistencies with Dutch Wilhelmina national spirit portrait.
- Fixed logistics strike mission not taking plane number into account correctly
- Soviet focus 'Committee in Exile' focus tin now be bypassed if the Civil War is completed
- Modifiers from propaganda campaigns are now properly cleared when Soviet Matrimony capitulates.
- Emilio Mola will no longer exist retired afterwards completing the focus The National-Syndicalist State, he will just drop his country leader roles merely will keep his advisor and unit leader roles.
- Swapped Soviet armored cars I and II in the tech tree.
- Communist back up threshold to complete Estonian focus Suspension the Silence has been increased to exist less than v% (instead of less than one%)
- Fixed several character issues with Spanish Falangists in the focus tree. Emilio Mola and Primo de Rivera should be properly handled now and will no longer be literally killed in order to allow the other to accept over every bit land leader.
- Capital supply connection graph will now prioritize shorter ocean routes
- Supply network at present considers convoy availability and tries to prioritize throughput over unconditionally avoiding naval connections
- Naval Supply routes now respect blocked region flags.
- Fixed Patagonian lake being considered some sort of flooded plain abnormality and prevented players from building nuclear reactors on information technology.
- Fixed an effect that fabricated it incommunicable for players to progress down the Vichy focus tree because a Petain imposter was in accuse
- German language Air Innovations two now correctly reduces cost of air doctrines, rather than increasing inquiry speed
- Fixed some design company ideas not having bonuses shown on equipment stats folio
- Steal blueprints operation no longer gives access to locked out mutual exclude branches
- Taskforces operating in a blocked naval region can draw supply from naval bases in that region
- Characters no longer go traits for other classes of characters from national spirits
- Supply Network (and tooltips) now correctly factor in edifice damage when considering throughput
- Issuing a move command to a province the unit is already fighting in no longer resets combat
- Non-NSB tanks again take their right reliability (lxxx%) across the board
- Fix runway construction fractional progress not getting saved correctly
- The Turkish investment decisions should now actually work
- Set British designers focus for baltics non giving correct air bonuses
- Fix crash in any_navy_leader, all_navy_leader, any_army_leader, all_army_leader when in that location is no full general/field marshal or no admiral in a land
- Stalinist mission Behead the Snake should now properly kill Trotsky when the actor is going opposition.
- Changed the Polish Focus 'Request Autonomous Condition' and then it can be bypassed if Poland is more than than autonomous than a reichsprotectorate or integrated puppet.
- Set so that Franco can use Nationalist Infantry Partition names in 39
- Fix upgrade costs non being calculated consistently
- Stock-still issue where effect for Poland dismissing Republic of lithuania's claim to its throne is sent to the wrong country.
- Fixed issue where Poland's Ignacy Moscicki would have the legacy portrait instead of using the new one from NSB.
- Rocket interceptors pilots don't consider themselves too cool for school anymore
- Toggling naval region admission settings should no longer brand captains panic when they achieve a blocked zone and get stuck in place
- Rumors of TODOs in Soviet Stalinist missions season texts turned out to be counter-revolutionary propaganda. There never was whatsoever TODOs.
- Fix carrier based fighters sometimes not contributing to combat
- Stock-still CTD when renaming a railway gun variant.

Hearts of Fe 4 - PDXMidgeman

Patch 1.11.four "Barbarossa"

# Residue
- Reduced compliance gain bonuses in advisor and country leader traits from 0.i to 0.05. Kamenev will now provide 0.02 compliance bonus as advisor, and 0.05 every bit country leader.
- Reduced weekly stability bonus and replaced weekly war back up bonus by a flat one in Stalin's traits.
- Slightly reduced weekly State of war Support and PP gain on Stalinist entrada. Reduced XP proceeds and Breakthrough bonus on For the Motherland entrada.
- Army and Navy Spirit price adjusted downward to 20/35/50 from 25/50/75. Air spirits at present all toll 50 air feel.
- Naval bases now cost 5000 IC (from 3000), and incur an extra cost of grand per additional level.
- Air Supply mission fuel costs increased by l%
- Increases hub Max Motorization price to 80 trucks, from 50
- Democratic government type now confers a bonus of -25% political advisor toll. Several national spirits have been slightly tweaked downwards to accomodate the possibility of stacking this bonus.
- Several historically Allied countries now get-go with a minor amount of Command Power in 1936 (ENG, U.s.a., FRA, HOL)
- Relief of Command Army Spirit (autonomous but) now reduces Armed forces Advisor PP cost past 50% from 75%, but increases army experience proceeds cistron by 25%
- Reduced Dozer Blade entrenchment bonus to ane, from 2
- Several Italian military machine advisors have had their traits upgraded, pp price increased, and cp allocation decreased. This change will only exist practical to new saves.
- Revert " Autonomous government type now confers a bonus of -25% political advisor cost. Several national spirits have been slightly tweaked downwardly to accomodate the possibility of stacking this bonus."
- Reduced Unternehmen Barbarossa modifier to x% attack bonus from 15%
- Air supply now grants 0.2 supply per plane at 100% mission efficiency, from 1.ii
- RK Ostland now releases on controlled territory, not just owned territory.
- AA gun three now medium weapon, Tanks are now a bit slower, heavys/sh are at present more expensive
- Removed base equpment conversion modifier, removed conversion modifier from dispersed industry, increased conversion tech fourth dimension
- Modernize Industry national focus (shared baltics) now grants iv noncombatant factories, from 5
- Arms Industry National Focus (baltic shared) now grants 4 military factories, from 6
- Arm The Nation national focus (baltic shared) now grants three military factories, from five
- Concenter Workers to Capital national focus (baltic shared) now grants 2 civilian factories, from iii
- Defense of our Nation national focus (baltic shared) now grants an additional 10% civilian factory construction speed
- reduced CAS basis assault by 2 (approx 20% at tier ane, down to 10% at superlative tier)
- Tank gun techs have moved dates, added SA bonus for SPG
- Residue changes to consumer appurtenances bonuses/penalties in the Soviet industrial co-operative: CG penalty from starting Second 5 Yr Plan spirit reduced from +10% to +v%. CG bonuses provided past Reorganize the PC of Heavy Industry and Fourth Five Year Plan reduced from -3% to -2%. CG bonus provided by Transformation of Nature reduced from -5% to -3%.
- Back up tank variants now get -0.95 breakthrough
- Increase HA/SA of mutliple tank guns, reduced costs for medium modules, slight increase in medium base speeds
- Tank Destroyer brigades are at present 2 width (down from 3)
- Updated templates for new TD combat width
- Removed AA gun component breakthrough modifiers since it is now handled by the battalion
- Heavy Tank Destroyer brigades at present correctly reduce Breakthrough instead of increasing it
- Lowered ground assail values for CAS by 2 points

# Stability & Performance
- Fixed a modder CTD related to scripted mapmodes when accessing intel interfaces
- Fixed a corner case where AI defensive line generation would wearisome the game downwardly to a clamber
- Stock-still OOS acquired by bombing buildings with railway guns nowadays
- Assigning railway guns to armies will no longer induce a sudden drop in gamespeed performance
- Fixed clients sometimes crashing to desktop when host shutdowns in MP games
- Stock-still 2 different OOS acquired by joining/hosting an MP game after doing another playthrough
- Fixed CTD when loading mods with messed upwardly adjacency errors

# UI
- Manually marking equipment variants every bit non-obsolete updates the alerts
- Fix hourly UI update Breaking transitions between officeholder corps windows
- Uppercase star icon updates when province changes controller
- Fix orders group UI not reflecting the motorization land of units later on loading a save
- Some minor changes to low supply icons and alerts
- When selecting the role for a tank pattern, the stat modifiers of the associated battalion blazon are at present displayed in the function tooltip. A breakdown of battalion, doctrine and tech modifiers for each stat are also displayed in the stats table tooltips.
# AI
- Fix AI runway upgrade issuing redundant upgrade commands
- RWG slightly agape of provinces nether set on
- Soviet Union volition now aim to build a decent civilian factory base before switching to other priorities
- Railway guns should now take amend positioning
- Removed obsolete Soviet AI strategies. Erstwhile AI strategy to antagonize Finland is now enabled past the appropriate focus.
- stop ENG from build likewise many civs
- stock-still templates for ENG to prevent problems with tank design templates
- bump ai build prio on disconnected supply nodes
- Field strength grooming threshold as well factors in divisions in grooming. This prevents AI fro stacking upward a huge listing of divisions that are all out of equipment.
- Fix various bugs with how AI checked manpower for exiled divisions in preparation
- Updated German templates to correctly utilise motorized
- Soviet should now not become stuck in a spiral of determination spending when they badly needs manpower laws
- United states of america should no longer neglect to produce a usable infantry template
- u.s. should now prioritize getting a m. tank design working faster
- soviet should now avoid justifying on targets where it can push its ultimatum
- AI is more bourgeois about implementing no_garrison law if resistance target will raise too much
- Impassable provinces volition no longer be seen as land connections by the AI armed services strategists
- Japan slightly less neat to squash China while at war with U.s.a.
- Fixed template target widths for sov and ger AT divs, reduce ger at div to 1 line AT gun
# Modding
- Can now use decision every bit target for pp_spend_priority strategy to block spending completely on decisions
- Documentation has been updated to reflect Barbarossa changes
- Fix remove_ideas_with_trait so that it works with advisors too
# Database
- The Superior Warmachines focus in the Soviet tree is now bachelor for players without NSB
# Bugfix
- Remove High german merits on Katowice if Poland cedes Danzig equally indicated in the Smoothen tooltip.
- Make sure there is no duplicate of user proper name in player_countries in save file. This avoids any confusion when determining if the country is human or AI controlled.
- The Japanese Torpedo Cruiser focus now displays the correct art when finished
- Added missing trigger to the Sabotage Behind Enemy Line focus
- Give Inter-War medium and heavy tank designs proper default names.
- When a character is added to a country and they are already in the retired character list, remove them from this list. also when setting grapheme in telescopic, keep the state equally well.
- Kurdish liberation unit spawned in Atlanta, should be Batman
- Fix to brand Japan less likely to plow the Russian Provisional Government Fascist after making information technology a boob through the Request Imperial Protection focus
- Allow field marshals to be assigned the advisor roles of generals
- when copying characters, re-create also the flags attached to them
- Adjusted the changes in Political party Popularity in the Portugese focus 'The Render of Duarte' so it matches the tooltip.
- Gear up is_dynamic_country trigger that was not calling the correct part
- Fixed incorrect paradigm link in betwixt the seas event
- When portraits are invalid, pick a random portrait for live version (keep using placeholder for debug)
- Replaced old tech speed bonus effect for doctrines in the generic focus Flexible Navy by the new doctrine cost reduction bonus effect.
- Fixed CTD that would sometimes occur in multiplayer when viewing air combat in a region as another player hot joins the game.
- AI less hesitant at reassigning divisions (fixes a bunch of bugs)
- Republic of estonia and Latvia no longer become negative national spirits from NSB when non using the DLC
- Latvia now get the right state leader when non using the No Step Back DLC
- Subject field states can now create some of the formables in the Soviet Matrimony
- Stock-still wrong positioning of dynamic modifiers in the National Spirits tab when using the small version.
- Added loc for two non-MTG naval techs that may be granted to Soviets in their focus tree.
- Baltic focus Applied science Sharing volition no longer exist bypassed to preclude Baltic countries to go stuck with 4 inquiry slots. Baltic research sharing group will no longer exist formed if information technology already exists.
- Trotsky will now bask an up-to-date trait for his Army Chief role in Mexico.
- Balance changes to Soviet national spirit Drastic Measures to forestall Soviets from insta-deploying divs while agile (in combination with Mass Assault Doctrine)
- Implemented alternative tooltip in Soviet focus National Academies of Sciences for not-Soviet Soviets.
- Soviet generals with new portraits will at present use the modest version of their new portraits for their counselor roles.
- Baltic shared designers no longer appear in their lists without No Pace Back
- When using auto design in the tank designer the resulting design volition now always exist valid.
- The Polish national focus "Expand the University of Warsaw" volition now properly count owned factories.
- More than stable AI behavior when a naval invasion fails
- AI will no longer try invading provinces outside target area
- Naval invasion pointer volition signal to the outset targeted province instead of the last
- Unmarried-graphic symbol purges will at present use the character list tooltip implemented for larger purges, so that their roles, traits and level are shown in the purge event tooltip.
- Remove preferred tactic if it becomes invalid
- When designing tanks the AI will not install more modules of the same category than is allowed, which volition aid the US amidst others to field tanks.
- Soviet focuses Amend the Stalin Line, Far East Fortification and Impregnable Forts will now require full control of at least one of the states in which forts volition be built. Protect the White Body of water-Baltic Culvert focus requires full control of all the relevant states.
- Removed obsolete Soviet Alternate programme. Fixed Left Opposition plans never being selected on random.
- Manchukuo no longer becomes a Japanese Communist Puppet when the Japanese Ceremonious State of war starts
- Focuses should no longer cancel a few hours before the Soviet Civil State of war starts
- Stock-still tooltip in High german focus Treaty with the USSR. Germany volition now get armor tech bonus regardless of having researched basic medium tanks or not.
- Korea now controls provinces when released later Japanese give up to Cathay.
- AI no longer using merchandise to determine naval access
- For characters and parties, do not store the translated proper name, store the loc keys instead. This avoids OOS when 2 players use dissimilar langages.
- Zhang Xueling now has the correct portrait when promoted to advisor role
- Stock-still consequence where Estonia couldn't offset decisions for marching on Finland if Republic of estonia started their fascist ceremonious state of war while they were marching on an Estonian country.
- For most tank designs the AI will no longer install multiple smoke launchers, secondary turret, or boosted automobile gun.
- No more free Baltic trees subsequently winning civil wars without NSB DLC
- Fixed insta-win/lose the Soviet Ceremonious War if DLC No Step Dorsum is not active and both sides in the civil war are communist.
- Stock-still certain Soviet decisions with did not actually cost the intended CP and PP
- If a trait for unit leader is already assigned, and so practice not consider it assignable. This fixes the alert being displayed when the player cannot actually assign new traits.
- British Malaya and Dutch East Indies now get the correct leaders from start
- Lithuania can no longer get Poland into a Personal Union without Lithuania being fully independent.
- Fixed the wrong Bulgarian deomcratic leader appearing with BftB
- Fixed missing portrait for mexican advisors Othón P. Blanco Núñez de Cáceres and Antonio Cárdenas Rodríguez
- Danzig Decisions are at present available without No Stride Dorsum
- Mexico Characters Dionisio Encina, Valentín Campa and Jesús Degollado Guízar now get party leaders when their respective events trigger.
- Fixed missing Spanish political advisors and one chief of army when LaR was not active.
- Fixed some decisions in Lithuania, Poland and Republic of estonia where information technology was possible to commencement them without the required available civilian factories.
- Fixed several mismatches in the Tutorial texts in Portuguese and Polish.
- Beriya is not Stalin, therefore he tin can no longer access Stalin's Cult of Personality.
- Fixed tooltip in Soviet focus Increment Aircraft Production. The player doesn't need to know about the weird stuff that is going on behind the scenes.
- Fixed an result where units could get stuck in exile
- Italy now starts with the appropriate focuses completed in the 1939 bookmark.
- Calculation missing Loc for Political leader Danzig resistance modifier.
- Changing the name of a State Modifier in SOV so it doesn't become the description from the conclusion with the same name and show an untranslated loc.
- added missing detailed description for supply mapmode.
- Trotsky can now be properly assassinated even when the player deactivates the News Events popup
- People's republic of china volition at present respect their decision to have the tribute increasement for at least ninety days.
- Fixed monarchist decisions in Poland and Lithuania and then they cannot make other countries into Personal Unions if they're puppets of some other country.
- Stock-still wrong consequence being sent dorsum to the Soviet Union resulting in Stalin refusing his own demands.
- Spain volition no longer conspire confronting their Soviet overlord later losing their War of Independence.
- Adjusted the consequence for the Sanation Right irritation so when it's meant to increase over 4 and it's AI Non-historical it only keeps the spirit but when it'southward the role player, a civil state of war starts.
- Inverse the Dutch focus Wilhelminism so it bypasses when Kingdom of the netherlands and Germany are in a faction and both have Not-Aligned Governments.
- Changing Neutrality and Fascism drift of Lithuanian advisor from positive to negative to make it match the historical graphic symbol.
- Adjusting Soviet decision 'The Enemy is Treacherous' and so it's not visible when the player doesn't take La Resistance.
- Added missing focus to the Polish historical AI plan. Danzig or War volition now remove Pol-LIT guarantee
- Adjusting the True Enemy event for the baltic countries and so it places forts in the right provinces.
- Fixed Kazim Orbay's multiple issues.
- Fixed issue where Republic of lithuania can go along boosting monarchist support in Poland even subsequently they accept a king. Other adjustments to these decisions.
- Changes to Romanian ideas and so they transfer correctly when Poland triggers a civil war in Romania
- Fabricated Vapsid Marches in Estonia and Finland not visible later on they're completed regardless of ideology. Also adjusted the balance of i of the Estonian marches
- Fix of dlc and not-dlc portraits from WTT for MAN and CHI
- The Montreux Convention upshot chain now allows and blocks the appropriate countries depending on the results of the events.
- Fix civil war effect posing messages without updating land names
- Set various supply map/volunteer UI issues
- Poland now starts with embargoed economy in 1939 as they haven't completed the focus to remove information technology yet
- Fix replacing template companies costing double
- Ready Government in Exile supply hubs not connecting to allied supply earlier they controled plenty territory to be assigned a capital
- Fix building conversion double counting slot consumption while being built
- Made the Polish Decision Categories for dealing with the Peasant Strike, Sanation and Inviting Strange Motors be available without No Pace Back
- Leadership of the Centrality now remains with the High german Reich when civil war starts
- Fix AI not assigned requested units to naval invasion armies, which could exit them idle wherever they happened to exist standing
- Stock-still the Wilhelmina idea so it has the correct portrait.
- fixed an issue where French and Japanese Heavy tank chassis icons were in the wrong spot in the tech tree
- Adapted the Fe Wolf appeasement decisions in Lithuania so it's not as easy to go locked out of the remainder of the branch.
- Puppeted Russia can now accept Pacify the Rim focus even if they take sold Vladivostok, making information technology possible to progress to the independence war focus.
- Fix river supply connections sometimes getting absurd boosts to supply flow
- a number of triggers were broken due to translated character names not registering correctly. These take been fixed. This should merely affect not-English players (Russian in particular).
- Removed status from the Bring Old Trotskyists Back focus to stop players from sometimes getting locked out of the Permanent Revolution section of the Left Opposition focus tree.
- Improved AI weights for Prospecting decisions.
- Baltic AI will no longer decline Soviet ultimatum on historical due to a major country guaranteeing them.
- Added missing Soviet focuses to 1939 Bookmark
- Focuses and decisions will at present piece of work correctly when checking for a character that has a different proper noun spelling in non-english language
- Volunteers will no longer exist lost when returning
- Russia can at present properly form the Pan-slavic marriage
- The AI will no longer cheat and effort to use Military machine Spirits if No Footstep Back is non enabled
- Fixed issue where exiled characters didn't return afterward a successful insurrection
- Translate localization key for all character name, not just unit leaders
- In the tank designer, the tiptop/default entry in the model option listing is at present the expected one for super heavy, mod and amphibious chassis.
- The tank model displayed in the tech details view is now of the expected tech level.
- Comintern is now dissolved when starting the Soviet civil state of war
- Set rare crash where logistics strike targetted consumer whose cached status was invalid
- Ready PREV (etc) keyword when information technology references a character.
- Super heavy and modern tank designs will at present go a proper default icon when playing with NSB active.
- Missing glyphs for Turkish and Latvian names are now back. Also fixed non-breaking spaces showing up as '?' in French and Russian translations.
- Units in naval transfer volition no longer trigger 'low supply' theater warning
- Poland is no longer able to complete the Apr Constitution while existence a puppet
- Fallback lines now piece of work correctly for volunteers
- Yoshiko Kawashima uses right motion-picture show when existence a general when having the WTT dlc
- Stock-still several issues with Soviet and Russian national spirits in the Russian ceremonious war, such equally spirits being added to the incorrect side, non providing the intended modifiers or beingness duplicated.
- Fixed fault spam most missing 3d assets for axis tanks
- Stock-still bug in Poland and the Baltics where they could annex or boob a histrion's country without alert.
- Fixed exploit past adding another exploit
- Fixed create_country_leader where the created grapheme would take a random proper noun rather than the input 1.
- With NSB active, equipment conversion is now possible between any tank designs based on the same chassis. It's however not possible to catechumen tanks to self-propelled variants of a higher tech level as is possible with NSB inactive.
- Vehicles like tanks will now be able to draw and refuel during the invasion pace while landing
- Ready calculation of num_units and num_battle_plans for unit leaders
- Fix for focuses being locked for Romanov branch.
- Added extra building slots to certain focuses providing factories or dockyards in the Polish, French and Soviet focus copse.
- Stock-still Georgios Kosmidis not condign the fascist leader in the appropriate Greek effect.
- Controlling slovakia will now permit poland to bypass either of the Need Slovakia focuses
- Cag nighttime fighting acronym now correctly capitalized
- fix some allied supply bug
- Empire of Brazil will no longer encompass fascism.
- Democratic Germany focuses no longer invite foreign subjects to faction, causing subjects to lose subject status
- Corgis are not people with a mustache and a tie.
- Both Australian and New Zealand volunteers National Spirits will now reduce required world tension and required divisions to send volunteers.
- Improved triggers for Iberian Summit decisions.
- Fixed issue where Polish regent would be retired afterwards capitulation.
- Dynamic Modifiers and Weather modifiers now apply to CAS basis set on stats
- Stock-still news of an Anarchist uprising spreading, despite said uprising non having materialized. Anarchists should now no longer exist all talk, no action.
- Fixed enquiry exploit
- Corrected pre-SCW division counter values in the preparation stage, to properly reflect the reality of unit counts for each side once the SCW begins.
- Fixed an OOS when starting a MP game after returning to carte from another game
- Added back in the pick to rename equipment variants of types lacking upgrades like Artillery and Convoys.
- Seek a Defensive Pact with Allies News event no longer has Stalin in it if he is no longer the leader of the Soviet matrimony
- Naval spotting speed is no longer scaled by ... naval base of operations repair speed(?), and spotting speed bonuses no longer increase the speed at which you lose a armada
- Fixed missing portraits in Baltics and Poland when playing without No Step Back enabled
- The first tank design for each specialized role can at present be modified instead of automatically beingness saved as a new design.
- Improved AI weights in Lithuanian fascist characters (Voldemaras and Alantas) and added AI weights to Hungarian communist revolutionary (Laszlo Rajk) and then that the AI prioritizes these characters when taking the relevant paths.
- Fixed capitulation progress requirement for Poland's 'Prepare for the Inevitable' co-operative.
- Soviet ultimatum decisions will no longer be bachelor if the target country is someone else's subject.
- Fixed issue where some focuses would not atomic number 82 to state of war with the right land if there was more than one Soviet Matrimony or Stalinist Soviet Marriage didn't be.
- Fixed issue where Polish Focus 'Demand Lithuania' wouldn't go bypassed when it should've
- Fixed ane cause of CTD on starting nudger with bad map setup (primarily the case in certain map mods)
- Fixed scope where we utilize character scope only when needed, and country telescopic otherwise
- Fixed long political party name (short party proper noun was displayed)
- In civil state of war, when copying retired characters from target country to the revolter, skip characters that are actually active in the revolter land. Avert having the character in a double state of agile and retired at the same time, confusing most effects and triggers.
- Austria, Belgium and Switzerland now take correct scripted commencement stability once more
- Fixed typo in focus Policy of Individual Security
- Lev Trotsky now returns to Soviet Union when completing Return Democracy to the Political party.
- Fixed Placeholder loc in the tutorial in Polish and Portuguese.
- Stock-still Command Power tooltip losing the names of advisors affecting it when reloading a savegame
- Fixed missing assets for german tanks DLC

Hearts of Iron 4 - PDXMidgeman

Stock-still - Armor 3D units from previous addons showing in the Tank Designer
The expected models tin can now be selected for tank designs
Game executable should be properly signed once again



Path of Exile Login Error Steam Duplicate Login Requestys


Source: https://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=394360&appgroupname=Hearts+of+Iron+IV&feed=steam_community_announcements

Posted by: brucefactle.blogspot.com



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